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Notice Regarding submission of document for 12 no of employment in unskilled categories.
Advertisement for Various Posts, Advt. No. - 03/2021
List against advertisement dated 10.07.2021 for 12 number of employment in unskilled category
List of candidates selected for the post of Supervisor(civil) on contract basis in the interview held on 30 & 31-05-2022 against UCIL Advt.No.02/2021
Notice for allotment of two shops at Narwapahar Shopping Complex
List of selected candidates for the post of Assistant Sub-Inspector on contractual basis and the Trade Test will be held on 30.06.2022 at 09.00 AM in Jaduguda Mines
List of candidates called for interview on 30-06-2022 for the post of Asstt. Supdt.(civil) on contract basis against Advt.No.02/2021
List of candidates selected for the post of Foreman (Mining) on contract basis against Advt.No.04/2021
List of selected candidates called for Trade Test for the post of Boiler-cum-Compressor Attendant on contract basis for 01(one) year which will be held on 07.06.2022 at 09.00 AM at Turamdih Mines
भू-विस्थापित मृत व्यक्तियों के आश्रितों को अनुकम्पा के आधार पर नियोजन के संबंध मे।प्रशासनिक आदेश संख्या :यूसिल/900 दिनांक: 21.08.2020 के तहत
Notice inviting objection against regularization of nominees of VR cases
List of candidates for interview on 30-05-2022 and 31-05-2022 for the post of Supervisor(Civil) on contract basis against Advt.No.02/2021
Regarding submission of documents for compassionate employment to the dependents of the displaced deceased persons against the administrative order no:यूसिल/900 दिनांक: 21.08.2020
List of Candidates in relation to compassionate employment to the dependents of the displaced deceased persons against the administrative order no:यूसिल/900 दिनांक: 21.08.2020
List of Selected candidates for the post of Winding Engine Driver on contractual basis for 01(One) year advertised on 08.12.2021 and Trade Test will be held on 31.05.2022 at 09.00 AM in Jaduguda Mines.
List of Selected candidates for Trade Test for the post of Mining Mate on contractual basis for 01(One) year advertised on 28.01.2022. The Trade Test will be held on 25.05.2022 at 09.00 AM at Jaduguda Mines.
Advt No-02-2022 regarding apprenticeship in UCIL
List of candidates called for interview for the post of Foreman(Mining) on contract basis scheduled to be held on 02.05.2022 at 9:30 AM against
5th list of selected candidates for apprenticeship training against advt.03/21 and also verification of documents on 29.04.2022 at 9.00am
4th (fourth) List of the selected candidates for the apprenticeship training against Dt.10.10.2021 (Jharkhand Region) and Report on 18.04.2022 at 9:00 AM
3rd (Third) List of the selected candidates for the apprenticeship training against Dt.10.10.2021 (Jharkhand Region) and Report on 04.04.2022 at 9:00 AM
2nd (Second) List of the selected candidates for the apprenticeship training against Dt.10.10.2021 (Jharkhand Region) Report on 25.03.2022 at 9.30 AM
Date of submission of documents for compassionate employment
List of the selected candidates for the apprenticeship training against Dt.10.10.2021 (Jharkhand Region) and also verification of original documents on different dates for different trades
Link For Uploading Duly Signed Form And Fees Report2022-2023
List of candidates eligible for admission in AECS for session 2022-23
Notice regarding Compassionate Employment against the land displaced deceased employees
The list of eligible, pending and not eligible candidates for compassionate employment against land displaced deceased employees
Notice Reg. - (UCIL Tummalapalle) Enrolment for Apprenticeship Training in Designated Trades (Advt. No. - 03/2021) for nominees of Land displaced persons/ Project affected/Employee ward
“Request for interest(RFI) to sell strategic stake in Uranium Mines to Uranium Corporation of India Limited, India.”
Extension of Ref No-RFP: EY/UCIL/202201 Date: 24/01/2022 “Request for interest to sell strategic stake in Uranium Mines to Uranium Corporation of India Limited, India.”
Notice Reg. - Enrolment for Apprenticeship Training in Designated Trades (Advt. No. - 03/2021) for nominees of Land displaced persons/ Project affected/Employee ward.
Admission instruction for Atomic Energy Central School (Session 2022-23)
Online form for Atomic Energy Central School admission (Session 2022-23)
List of candidates provisionally found suitable for the post of Mining Mate purely on contractual basis for 01(One) year
संदर्भ संख्या UCIL / DGM (कार्मिक) 50 / 2021 दिनांक 10 / 07 / 2021 के तहत आवेदन जमा करने की तिथि 6 / 9 / 2021
Notice Reg. - Intimation to land displaced persons for providing documents under compassionate policy, Dated: 02.08.2021
Press Release related to Employment of Land Displaced persons (Ref. Notice No: संख्या: यूसिल/डीजीएम (कार्मिक)/50/2021 , Dated: 10/07/21
Circular regarding Medical Attendance Rules, Dated-25.06.2021
Press Notification for Long Absenteeism Case, Dated: 17.07.2021
Changed Domain name, official website and official E-mail address.
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